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Improving Treatment Plan Compliancy with Dental Patients

Written by Young Dental | Nov 15, 2023 5:08:47 PM

What if every "yes" saved a patient's tooth? Creating a treatment plan that resonates with your patients that will yield a "yes" indeed relies on knowing the "why?" Every resonating treatment plan is made from knowing the "why" of the patient and the patient knowing the "why" of the treatment.

Top Reasons Patients Are Non-Compliant With Treatment Plans

There are many "why" factors to consider from the patient's perspective when discussing treatment. Below are some common reasons a patient wants to just say "no." 
•    Fear 
•    Not investing in their health
•    They don't grasp the rationale behind treatment
•    Cost 
•    Lack of trust 



Tips For Achieving Treatment Compliance

Fire breath or not, you can slay those non-compliant dragons and really help your patients!

Discuss Pain Management

We can ease many fears by simply discussing pain management options. Needle phobia? Ask if they want to hold a squeeze ball or an ice pack. Assure them you will use plenty of topical first. I like to use words like "pre-numbing jelly" and "very tiny needle" or "shallow injection" when applicable. In some cases, oral sedation or administration of nitrous oxide may be most appropriate.

I also never miss an opportunity to inform them that I use very thin and ever-sharp instruments that will keep them very comfortable, and because they are audibly harmonious when compared to stainless-steel instruments, its reduced much of that "scraping anxiety." 

Don't Price Bomb

Sometimes things like a periapical radiograph or application of localized antibiotic are declined because the patient imagines it might be $500 at checkout. For this reason, I acknowledge the anticipation of cost and tell them what it would be before potential insurance coverage at the end of my rationale pitch. It's a "yes" almost every time.
Cater To Their Method Of Learning

Aid patients in understanding your why. Some patients will understand the treatment plan better with illustrations in which you describe where you'll be working and what you'll be doing. Others prefer a clear and concise delivery, with step-by-step information in writing that they can review later.

For some, if the technology is available, an intraoral camera showing the patient the exact condition in their mouth can be an invaluable tool. Build trust with your patients by taking the time to help them understand why this treatment is customized for them, why you believe it will improve their condition, and what the realistic outcomes are if they do or don't comply. Use powerful motivators such as, "I want to help you keep your teeth as long as possible, and this is the way to do so."


Signed, Scheduled, And Delivered

You're well on your way to a schedule full of healthier and happier patients with your newly implemented tips for treatment plan compliance. With your American Eagle XP® Sharpen-Free and Sharpen-Free Thin Instruments, you're ready to take on those days.