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Transformative Healing: Topical Debridement for Effective Dental Care and Reduced Infection Risk

Written by Nicole Fortune, MBA, RDH | Dec 11, 2023 5:49:00 PM

In the landscape of oral health, periodontal disease stands as a formidable adversary, affecting millions of Americans and posing significant challenges to overall well-being. As we delve into the state of periodontal disease in the United States, it becomes evident that this oral health issue extends far beyond mere dental concerns, impacting systemic health and quality of life. The state of periodontal disease in the United States demands attention and action.  

As a dental hygienist, I have witnessed the remarkable success of scaling and root planing, especially when complemented with adjuncts like desiccates, in the treatment of periodontal inflammation.

Periodontal disease, characterized by inflammation of the gums and damage to supporting structures, is a common oral health concern affecting millions. It begins with the accumulation of biofilm—a sticky film of bacteria—on teeth surfaces, progressing to gingivitis and, if left untreated, advancing to periodontitis.
Scaling and root planing stands out as a highly successful and minimally invasive intervention in the arsenal of periodontal treatments. 

One of the key successes of scaling and root planing is its ability to halt the progression of periodontal disease. By addressing the root cause—bacterial accumulation—this procedure prevents further damage to the gums and supporting bone.

Integration of Adjuncts: Desiccants

In recent years, the integration of adjuncts have enhanced the effectiveness of scaling and root planing. PerioDT from Young is a desiccant that further targets and eliminate bacteria in the periodontal pockets, aiding in the reduction of inflammation and promoting a healthier subgingival environment.  
The use of PerioDT during scaling and root planing procedures enhances the success rate by:

Removal of the Smear Layer:

Instrumentation, both mechanical and powered, leave behind a smear layer containing bacteria, viruses, calculus, toxins and necrotic debris. PerioDT effectively removes this smear layer, eliminating a barrier to healing and encouraging the reduction of inflammation.1 

Supplementing Bacterial Elimination:

Desiccants provide an additional layer of bacterial elimination, targeting microbes that may persist even after thorough scaling and root planing. In one study, PerioDT reduced the amount of red complex bacteria in one application. What’s more, that reduced level was maintained for a year, based on microbial analysis.

Reducing Pocket Depth:

By effectively eliminating bacteria and coagulating necrotic debris, desiccants contribute to the reduction of pocket depth, promoting optimal gum reattachment and preventing the recurrence of periodontal disease. Adjunct use of PerioDT resulted in significantly greater pocket reduction and the reduction of inflammatory markers such as bleeding upon probing.  

As a dental hygienist, I am passionate about empowering patients on their journey to optimal oral health. Scaling and root planing, when complemented with adjuncts like desiccants, exemplifies the transformative power of preventive and therapeutic dental care. If you're grappling with the challenges of biofilm removal, consider trying PerioDT as an adjunct to your mechanical therapy.


1Micu IC, Muntean A, Roman A, Stratul SI, Pall E, Ciurea A.  A local Desiccant Antimicrobial Agent as an alternative to Adjunctive Antibiotics in the Treatment of Periodontitis: A Narrative Review. Antibiotics (Basel). 2023 Feb 24;12(3):456
2Isola G, Matarese G, Williams RC, Siciliano VI, Alibrandi A, Cordasco G, Ramaglia L. The effects of a desiccant agent in the treatment of chronic periodontitis: a randomized, controlled clinical trial. Clin Oral Investig. 2018 Mar;22(2):791-800. doi: 10.1007/s00784-017-2154-7. Epub 2017 Jun 17. PMID: 28624914..
3Antonelli A, Giovannini L, Baccani I, Giuliani V, Pace R, Rossolini GM. In Vitro Antimicrobial Activity of the Decontaminant HybenX® Compared to Chlorhexidine and Sodium Hypochlorite against Common Bacterial and Yeast Pathogens. Antibiotics (Basel). 2019 Oct 17;8(4):188. doi: 10.3390/antibiotics8040188. PMID: 31627304; PMCID: PMC6963449.